Pilot Media Group

Educate & Protect

The world communicates through electronics and sharing your thoughts from a computer, tablet or phone has become just as popular as talking. The difference between talking and typing is what you type is here to stay, forever. The Pilot Media Group is here to educate and protect you from electronic exchanges that may affect you at work.


Educating/Informing/Reminding FedEx pilots on FedEx policies on social media, electronic exchanges and company issued electronic devices.


When FedEx policy boundaries have been potentially crossed, informing pilots of possible outcomes. The Pilot Media Group is not here to tell you what to do, but they will assist in educating and informing you of potential hazards.

Educational Articles

PMG Education #1, December 17, 2024

If you think that a FedEx electronic policy has been potentially broken, reach out to the FedEx Pilot Media Group by emailing FedEx-PilotMediaGroup@alpa.org or by contacting a Pilot Media Group Volunteer listed below.

Daniel Walters

Trenton Harris

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