“Solidarity is not a matter of sentiment but a fact, cold and impassive as the granite foundations of a skyscraper. If the basic elements, identity of interest, clarity of vision, honesty of intent, and oneness of purpose, or any of these is lacking, all sentimental pleas for solidarity, and all other efforts to achieve it will be barren of results.” – Eugene Debs
Fellow pilots, we seek solidarity amidst transformation. Frankly, the landscape has changed at FedEx since the conclusion of the pandemic era and since we first began negotiating a new labor agreement. We continue to face headwinds on this journey and call for solidarity as our compass as we continue contract negotiations and pace strategic change deep into the future.
This symbolic lanyard acknowledges your commitment to solidarity. While the phrase “I'm All In!” may seem cliché, it’s truly symbolic of our determination. Please consider wearing it with pride as a reflection of our collective resolve on this journey.
What exactly are we ALL IN on?
ALPA as our labor union:
- Our strength is in our collective unity.
- Our union is the fraternal body of professionals, not just an entity funded to represent us.
- ALPA provides the framework and resources to advocate effectively.
- Recent outcomes confirm the merits of pattern bargaining and solidarity to achieve legislative agendas.
- We understand the true strength of ALPA resides in the 78,000 pilots across 41 U.S. and Canadian airlines.
Our MEC transforming to pace the Corporation:
- FedEx is amidst strategic transformation to achieve One FedEx objectives via DRIVE/Network 2.0/Tricolor.
- The past does not reflect the future; what got us here (a destination airline) will not get us there (a sustainable future).
- The MEC, officers and support staff are committed to pace change, represent us with resolve, and advocate for our best interests.
- We acknowledge we are in transformation alongside the Company.
A contract that reflects the current environment:
- The landscape (FDX and industry-wide) has changed since negotiations began in 2021.
- The Company needs to be transparent to achieve an equitable outcome.
- There are clear industry standards for the four pillars of our negotiations: scope, compensation, retirement, and quality of life.
- We trust the Negotiating Committee has our collective best interests at heart.
I'm ALL IN on the reality that my future is best represented by the union, not the corporation